Personal Statement

My name is Jake Roberts and I have chosen to undertake a level 3 BTEC in Graphic Design as I have grown an interest in working within the industry through gaining new insight in image design and manipulation by undertaking the introduction course at Richmond Adult College, by experimenting at home with adobe software, creating artwork for music that I produce, collaging images or photography that inspires me and previous work in artwork at a printing establishment. I have experience working in a few different areas that exposed me to the importance of Graphic Design in business from Pinewood Studios sound department, a digital marketing internship to customer service at a vinyl disc manufacturing plant. I saw how aspects of photography, graphics and font make up the overall image of a product that is to be marketed and sold thus in my case, more specifically musicians and bands. A few personal goals of mine would be to further develop my expertise using the adobe package, develop my skills in being able to develop new creative ideas to form different ways to visualise and represent a marketable product. I would like to ultimately develop a portfolio of work that I’d be proud to show to potential employers willing to take me on as a junior upon completion of the level 3.

Published by Jake Roberts


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