Booklet: Design Annotations

Please find an example of one of my double spreads from my final outcome below that I have annotated to showcase the different design elements that I used, which may include a headline/title, Intro/kicker paragraphs, body text (the article itself), box copy that contains the specification of each vehicle, pull quotes, image captions, bylines thatContinueContinue reading “Booklet: Design Annotations”

Booklet: Final Outcome & Evaluation

Please find below a PDF copy of my final outcome for my last term studying the Level 3 BTEC in Graphic Design: The Greatest Supercars of the 1980s: A Top 10 Car Magazine Review and evaluate own final outcome – 350 words. (task 4) I am incredibly pleased and proud of my final outcome andContinueContinue reading “Booklet: Final Outcome & Evaluation”

Hand Crafted Booklet: Task 3b

Task 3b: Hand Crafted Booklet – 8 pages minimum. Show that you understand how other media can be incorporated into typographic and layout design by producing work using other media. Hand-drawn images, collage, textures, fabrics, textiles, tactile design, charcoals, watercolour, acrylic etc. Please find the below photographs of the cover and each page of my hand craftedContinueContinue reading “Hand Crafted Booklet: Task 3b”

Booklet: Research & Process

For my last term studying a BTEC Level 3 in Graphic Design, I was tasked with creating a booklet on my own topic. As one of my first passions was music, technology and gadgets this was one of my first ideas, however as I currently own a classic car from the 80’s specifically and haveContinueContinue reading “Booklet: Research & Process”

First Aid Poster: Typographic Exercise

During my last term of the BTEC Level 3 in Graphic Design at RHACC, as part of my research and experimentation with typography as a design element lead me to create a first aid poster that would replace the existing design and improve upon the legibility of the provided information. The below image is thatContinueContinue reading “First Aid Poster: Typographic Exercise”

Reports: Layout Designs

Task 1 – Evaluated selected layout design example Collect 2 examples of layout design. Magazine, leaflets, booklets, books etc. Evaluate layout, hierarchy, typography, applied design principles. 350 – 500 words. For my first example, I found this double spread of a Porsche online from a car magazine designed for print. The main image is of aContinueContinue reading “Reports: Layout Designs”

Superhero Typographic Logo

Below is an example of a typographic logo I designed for a superhero of my choice given as a task during class. I settled on the Invisible Man and decided to base my design on a detective neo-noir theme, favouring a black and white contrast and using the typeface that of ‘Courier’, which was a popularContinueContinue reading “Superhero Typographic Logo”

Assignment 1: Research & Typography Timeline

Typography or type referred to as written language, also called text. Typefaces are a group of characters, such as letters, numbers, and punctuation, that share a common design or style. Font means by which typefaces are displayed or presented in a particular size, weight and style from a typeface. Type families include the different optionsContinueContinue reading “Assignment 1: Research & Typography Timeline”

Typeface Research

The cover of this particular TIME magazine shows a Photoshop/Illustration of Donald Trump looking at himself in the mirror as a King in monarch clothing, this is to represent how the magazine views Trump’s presidency as a thirst for absolute power over the country of America reinforced by the title (image can be expanded). TheContinueContinue reading “Typeface Research”