Assignment 2: Typeface Report

I have chosen the logotype that of Coke-Cola to evaluate as it is the world’s most popular soft drink. It was invented on May 8th 1886 by John Stith Pemberton. His bookkeeper, Frank M Robinson suggested the name Coca-Cola as he felt the ‘the two C’s would look well together in advertising’. He experimented withContinueContinue reading “Assignment 2: Typeface Report”

Magazine: Annotations

A selection of magazine graphics that appealed to me, they have been scanned and are included below. I found this image in a Boots magazine along with other graphics by the same artist, Peter Henderson of Folio Graphics. They are accompanying components of an article promoting volunteering at Christmas in order to combat loneliness forContinueContinue reading “Magazine: Annotations”

Assignment 3: Final Piece & Research

For my final piece, I was inspired by the Bauhaus movement of 1919 to 1933 that we studied in class as part of the history of design movements lecture. After some personal research, I began the creation of a graphic that would symbolise the gallery from a front forward perspective using geometric shapes, lines andContinueContinue reading “Assignment 3: Final Piece & Research”

Assignment 2: Reports

Andy Warhol Andy Warhol was a leading figure in the Pop Art movement that flourished in the 1960s, he produced art that included paintings, silk-screening, photography, film and sculpture. He initially pursued a career as a commercial illustrator in the 50s, but began to receive attention and recognition after hosting his own art exhibitions invitingContinueContinue reading “Assignment 2: Reports”

Assignment 1: Software Experimentations

With the first of my software experimentations, I used Photoshop to create a logo for the gallery that incorporates the colour scheme that I observed on their website, that of dark grey, white and red. I did some initial research and found that the gallery does not have an official app or colour scheme, thereforeContinueContinue reading “Assignment 1: Software Experimentations”

Research: Designers

Antony J Foti – Luke Skywalker Character portrait in action from a movie scene It uses earthy colour tones to represent the setting which is a desert and overall the tone is dark, which may represent the ongoing theme of the film which is light vs darkness I like the animation that the artist hasContinueContinue reading “Research: Designers”

Chosen Location Notes

The National Gallery, Westminster   I undertook a personal trip to the National Gallery as my chosen location and made observations on colour, shape, building design and architecture and began research allowing me to build a conscious image and develop design ideas for my experimentations in assignment 1. Environment Notes: Nelson’s Column, Grey, Natural Stone, Bronze gold, Dark Green, RedContinueContinue reading “Chosen Location Notes”

Personal Statement

My name is Jake Roberts and I have chosen to undertake a level 3 BTEC in Graphic Design as I have grown an interest in working within the industry through gaining new insight in image design and manipulation by undertaking the introduction course at Richmond Adult College, by experimenting at home with adobe software, creatingContinueContinue reading “Personal Statement”